Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Annual Fall Garage Sale

Attention: All Residents and Renters within the Villages at Grassy Creek Neighborhood

You are invited to participate in our neighborhood’s Annual Fall Garage Sale

When:  October 20 and 21 (Fri. and Sat.)
Time:  8:00am - ?
(Heavy Trash Pickup for our neighborhood is October 23)

We would love for you join us in this opportunity to gather the unwanted clutter from our homes and turn it into a little extra cash during the garage sale while meeting some of the wonderful folks that live in our neighborhood

Thank you,
your Villages at Grassy Creek Central HOA Board



SEPTEMBER 26, 2017

After speaking with city officials, they indicated that no semi tractors, mobile homes, pull behinds, trailers, etc. are not allowed in residential neighborhood streets. The owners will receive citations!!

If you see any of these violations, you are urged to contact the police at the non-emergency number at (317) 346-6336.

Campers World will allow you to park your recreational vehicles, at their parking lot. Also you can park your over size or semi tractors at the Road Ranger at Main St and I-65. Please contact Campers World at
(855) 656-1284, also you can contact Road Ranger at  (815) 315-4987 for further information.